Quick Reference Card

Information up to date as of January 15, 20201


Top Marginal Rates

Province Bracket Threshold Interest & Other Income Capital Gains Eligible Dividends Non-Eligible Dividends
BC $214,369 49.80% 24.90% 31.44% 44.64%
AB $314,929 48.00% 24.00% 31.71% 42.30%
SK $214,369 47.50% 23.75% 29.64% 40.37%
MB $214,369 50.40% 25.20% 37.78% 46.67%
ON $220,001 53.53% 26.76% 39.34% 47.74%
QC $214,369 53.31% 26.65% 40.11% 47.14%
NB $214,369 53.30% 26.65% 33.51% 47.75%
NS $214,369 54.00% 27.00% 41.58% 48.27%
PEI $214,369 51.37% 25.69% 34.22% 45.23%
NL $214,369 51.30% 25.65% 42.61% 44.59%
YK $500,001 48.00% 24.00% 28.92% 42.17%
NT $214,369 47.05% 23.53% 28.33% 36.82%
NU $214,369 44.50% 22.25% 33.08% 37.79%

Federal Brackets & Rates

From Up to Rate
$13,230 $48,535 15.00%
$48,536 $97,069 20.50%
$97,070 $150,473 26.00%
$150,474 $214,368 29.00%
$214,369 33.00%

1Unless specified otherwise, tax rates reflect budget proposals and news releases current to January 15, 2020 and are combined (federal plus provincial) rates.