Quick Reference Card

Current to Janurary 15, 20201

Small Business Limits

Province Small Business Limit2 Combined Tax Rate
Federal $500,000 9.0%
BC $500,000 11.0%
AB $500,000 11.0%
SK3 $500,000/$600,000 11.0% / 17.0%
MB $500,000 9.0%
ON $500,000 12.2%
QC4 $500,000 14.0%
NB $500,000 11.5%
NS $500,000 12.0%
PEI $500,000 12.0%
NL $500,000 12.0%
YK5 $500,000 11.0%
NT $500,000 13.0%
NU $500,000 12.0%

1 Tax rates reflect budget proposals and news releases to January 15, 2020

2 Saskatchewan ($600,000) has a small business limit that differs from the rest of the country ($500,000)

3 In Saskatchewan, for active business income up to $500,000 the combined tax rate is 11%. For active business income ranging from $500,000 to $600,000 the combined tax rate is 17%.

4 CCPCs engaged in M&P activities in Quebec may be eligible for an additional reduction in the small-business rate.

5 CCPCs engaged in M&P activities in the Yukon may be eligible for an additional reduction in the small-business rate.