Total net assets ($CAD):

Asset allocation

Geographic allocation

Sector allocation

The top 6 holdings make up 98.86% of the Fund.
Top holdings Sector allocation (%)
CI WisdomTree U.S. Quality Di Grw Ix ETF NH(DGR.B) Exchange Traded Fund 49.37%
CI WisdomTree Intl Quality Di Gr Ix ETF NH (IQD.B) Exchange Traded Fund 33.12%
CI WisdomTree Emerging Mkts Div Ix ETF NH (EMV.B) Exchange Traded Fund 8.95%
CI WisdomTree U.S. MidCap Divid Idx ETF NH (UMI.B) Exchange Traded Fund 6.34%
CI Energy Giants Cov Ca ETF Uhg(NXF.B) Exchange Traded Fund 1.00%
Usd Cash Sweep Cash and Cash Equivalent 0.08%